i understand it is not precisely on topic, but i have a blog utilizing the blogengine platform as well and i’m having issues with my feedback displaying. is there a establishing i am forgetting? maybe you could improve me out? thank you.
We have a dog now that I think is a Bernese/Golden mix. He is 108 pounds, up from the 72 he was when we got him in January. He’d been wondering a rural road in Hawley, Massaachusetts, for at least three weeks before the dog catcher got him. He was a day or two from starving or freezing to death. So much arthritis in his back he couldn’t climb our stairs. But now he goes up and them several times a day, sleeps with us, and is an integral part of the family. I am so thankful for this sweetheart!
i understand it is not precisely on topic, but i have a blog utilizing the blogengine platform as well and i’m having issues with my feedback displaying. is there a establishing i am forgetting? maybe you could improve me out? thank you.
We have a dog now that I think is a Bernese/Golden mix. He is 108 pounds, up from the 72 he was when we got him in January. He’d been wondering a rural road in Hawley, Massaachusetts, for at least three weeks before the dog catcher got him. He was a day or two from starving or freezing to death. So much arthritis in his back he couldn’t climb our stairs. But now he goes up and them several times a day, sleeps with us, and is an integral part of the family. I am so thankful for this sweetheart!
So great to hear! What’s his coloration like? Any pictures online you could link me to?