Dog of the Day: Zeus the Labrador Retriever Hound Mix

Zeus (9) is, in this picture, an absolutely prime example of what happens when you drool and then shake: you get lines of drool across your snoot. A problem we all face, sooner or later.

Red Labrador Retriever Hound Mix Looking Sad
Dunno what kind of hound. Coonhound, maybe?
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Dog of the Day: Rosie the Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Ring around the Rosie! She’s four, and she may have short stubby legs but she can run rings around you!

Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi Tilting Her Head To One Side
I just noticed that there appears to be a rectangle cut out of the top of Rosie’s head and now I can’t unsee it. It really did look like that, I promise!
Fluffy Pembroke Welsh Corgi Grinning With Her Ears Folded Back
Fully convertible ears!
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Sunday Switchup: L’Egg

I don’t have any animals to post on this lovely Sunday, but I do have something that came first. I hard-boiled half a dozen eggs late last year and I ate five of them and then opened the sixth and it was… magenta. Aggressively magenta. So I didn’t eat it. The end.

Purple Hard Boiled Egg
Funny thing: it didn’t smell weird, and it had the exact normal hard-boiled-egg texture. It was just… purple.
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Caturday Supplement: Stealthy Macy’s Window Kitten

I promise, there really is a kitten in the picture! You just have to look very closely to find her.

Marmalade Tiger Kitten Trying To Hide Behind A Santa Doll
Kittens are so stealthy!
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Dog of the Day: Boston the Bernadoodle

Boston is one, and like most one-year-old pups, is old enough to know better but not quite old enough to care.

Bernadoodle Standing On His Hind Legs And Licking His Nose
He reeeeeally wanted to give me smooches.
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Puppy of the Day: Jackie the German Shepherd

Jackie is only six months old, but she is clearly a mean nasty vicious puppy!

Vicious-Looking German Shepherd Puppy
There are a lot of places that consider German shepherds to be ‘dangerous dogs’.
German Shepherd Puppy Grinning
Personally I think most people are more dangerous than pretty much any dog.
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Dog of the Day: Tiny the Slightly Grizzled And Nearly Wooly But Decidedly Not Tiny Malamute

Tiny (boy, 9) is a little bit worn, sure, but he’s still in great shape: likes long hikes, still has great teeth. And although he’s not actually a wooly malamute, he’s also definitely got a heck of a thick coat. But what he isn’t is ‘tiny’. He’s probably got more muscle than a body-builder and a half!

I haven’t posted a malamute in… three YEARS? Gosh I’m glad I found Tiny!
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Dog of the Day: Pasquale the Australian Shepherd

Pasquale is 3, and with those eyes I bet he can charm the sheep right out of the trees! (Ssh. I’m on a roll.)

Tricolor Australian Shepherd With Striking Blue Eyes
I bet the tiny goatee and mustache help too!
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Dog of the Day: Bernadoodle

I don’t know who this is, but were he my pup I would name him Wookielegs!

Bernadoodle Tied Up In Front Of A Shop
I get a lot of dog pictures of dogs tied up outside of a local cheese shop. They all seem very happy, too. I’m sure it smells delicious.
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Puppy of the Day: Cabo the Bernadoodle

Cabo is only four months old. I have the feeling that mom isn’t going to be manhandling him like this for very much longer!

Smiling Woman Holding Bernadoodle Puppy
She seems to be taking full advantage of the manhandling opportunities while she has them. Big hug!
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