Dog of the Day: Indy the Treeing Walker Coonhound (Now With Update!)

Oh, hey, you’re that guy! Yeah, my new mom and dad are great!

Treeing Walker Coonhound Mix

Most of my latest round of pictures were ruined by a bit of dog-nose slime that a certain corgi left on the lens.

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8 Responses to Oh, hey, you’re that guy! Yeah, my new mom and dad are great!

  1. Corey Barber says:

    If you don’t mind me asking, what exact breed is your dog in this photo? I have a dog that looks the EXACT same as yours.

  2. Alex says:

    my dog looks like his twin honestly and we figured that he was a mixed coonhound

  3. Oh my goodness! My girl looks just like your dog! My girl has a bit more white, but she looked like this when she was a younger puppy! Her name is DD (Diamond Dog), and I linked an instagram video of her!

  4. Amanda p says:

    My dog look exactly like him, when we adopted him they told us he is a bloodhound but he doesn’t look like a bloodhound at all.

    • Adam Lang says:

      Yeah, it takes a LOT of experience to correctly identify breeds when a dog is a puppy. I’ve been running this blog for going on 15 years now and I still can’t do it reliably with any but maybe the top 20 breeds. Dogs change SO MUCH as they mature!

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