I thought we had our second Skye terrier here, but the more I look at him, the more I think maybe he’s just our first Skye terrier, except not as wet, and having a much better fur day. If not, he sure looks a lot like Shamus, including the white ears (which are a disqualifier for a show dog of the breed: they have to have black ears, apparently.)
Edit: So, per the comments, this is Skye, and he is the brother of our first Skye terrier, Seamus! And it’s been over seven years and he’s still going strong. YAY SKYE!
This is Skye our Skye terrier brother of Seamus 11years8 months young now
Can be found at mountain lake park. Chrissy field. Baker beach
Awesome! Always love it when people run across their pups on here, especially ten years later!
I’ll keep my eyes peeled, next time I’m out at the parks!