Category Archives: Caturday Supplement

Caturday Supplement: Layla the Gloriously Floofy

Autumn sent me a picture of Layla.

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Caturday Supplement: Mugwort

Mugwort sounds like the name of a witch’s familiar. He would just like you to know that he would be quite happy to become more familiar with you, especially if you have ‘good skritchin fingers’. Update: Autumn sent this picture … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Chester and Fitzmagic the Bengal Kitties

Chester and Fitzie are brothers, and they’re both 11 months old, so still technically kittens. And yet somehow they are totally calm and cheerful and okay with hanging out outside and saying hi to folks. I hear there’s some leash … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Stripey Ginger

I ran into this kitty when I was down in Monterey. She was quite friendly, and seemed pretty disappointed when I stopped petting her to take some pictures.

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Caturday Supplement: Tuxedo Kitty

Saw this kitty in a window. There’s a sign that says ‘Follow and tag us!’ and I didn’t get the actual tag, darn it!

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Caturday Supplement: Ginger

This is the back yard of the place I’m currently living, in Monterey. This is not, however, one of the cats of the woman I am staying with. Or anyone else who lives here. She is a visitor, just like … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: The Wonderful Thing About Tigger

It’s been a while since we’ve had a Caturday Supplement. And I’m currently living at a nice little spot in Monterey, while I wait for my apartment to be revamped, and this nice little spot has two cats! One of … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Shop Kitty

A local optometrist has had a couple of different shop cats since I started the blog. Both quite friendly.

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Caturday Supplement: Nameless Kitteh

I was at a farmer’s market today, and I saw a big sign that said ‘KITTEN: FREE TO A GOOD HOME’. Alas, I do not have a good home, clearly, since no home where you’re not allowed to have a … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Macy’s Window Kittens

Some left-over cuties from Christmas!

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