Category Archives: Dog of the Day

Dog of the Day: Blade the Doberman Pinscher

Blade (2) is a vicious, evil, terrible… hold on… I’m just getting a message that the staff at the hotel Blade and his dad are staying at have given Blade the nickname ‘Butterknife’. Apparently he came into the hotel, licked … Continue reading

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Dog(gie Bag) of the Day: Clapton the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Clapton is thirteen years old, and he’s doing great! His back legs aren’t working quite as well as they used to but he still gets around the park just fine. He does have trouble walking long distances, though, so dad … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Rip the Black German Shepherd

Rip (3) is named after a character in Yellowstone, which is a show that I have not had the pleasure of watching. But if the main character was a dog this cute, I’d be on it like cute on pups.

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Dog of the Day: Arlo the Corgi Terrier Mix Puppy

Arlo (6 months) has dangerously high levels of happy.

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Dog of the Day: June the Doberman Pinscher

June was 1 year old in, well, June. She is very striking, especially given how few Dobermans we have running around the city.

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Dog of the Day: Bonbon the Yorkie Puppy

Bonbon is 7 months old, and will be your friend for many years to come, if you’ll allow it.

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Dog of the Day: Xander the Chihuahua Shiba Inu Mix

I ran into Xander (12) in Berkeley, and amused his folks no end by guessing not only his breed mix, but also the origin of his name (Buffy the Vampire Slayer).

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Dog of the Day: Xavier the Turkish Street Dog

Meet Xavier (4). Xavier is a Turkish immgigrant who loves everybody, and every dog. He is also a giant goof who is terrified of hardwood floors. His folks have had to put runners in all their halls and big carpets … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: John the German Shorthaired Pointer Security Pup

John was guarding a conference that I attended. I am not sure what the threat was, but I’m pretty sure it wasn’t as cute as him.

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Dog of the Day: Bao the Shiba Inu Repeat Customer

Ran into Bao, who is now almost a year old, and he is … not much bigger than he was at five months! On the other hand, he’s still just as cute, too.

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