Category Archives: Wildlife Pics

Sunday Switchup: Autumn’s New Friend

Autumn was back in the Bay Area for a couple of weeks, a little while ago. She was down around Santa Cruz and driving through the mountains, and pulled off for a little while, and this fellow came by to … Continue reading

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Sunday Switchup: The Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill

I haven’t seen these guys close up for a couple of years, though I do hear them quite frequently. But Autumn was lucky enough to have them visit her while she was dogsitting last week.

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Seal-turday Supplement: Harbor Seal Family

These three were wiggling around a bit, but mostly enjoying their sunny morning in Point Lobos. And so was I.

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Slitherday Supplement: Western Fence Lizard

I wasn’t quite as successful taking pictures of wildlife over my vacation as I would have liked, but I did run across some seals, some birds, a snake, one or two sea otters (from a great distance), and a couple … Continue reading

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Sparrowday Supplement: Dark-Eyed Junco?

I’m not much of a birder, but I think (?) this little tweeter I ran into last Thursday was a dark-eyed junco.

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DoSF Bunday Edition!

We haven’t had a Bunday supplement in quite some time. Thanks to my friend and former coworker, Brian, who is currently wandering the country between jobs, we get one! Thanks, Brian!

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Triple-Sea-Dog Day: Basking Harbor Seals

Ran into this trio basking in the warm winter sun off of Point Lobos. I think the bottom one is laughing at me.

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Sky Supplement: The Trees of Monterey

Looks like we have one more day of bonus ‘Monterey vacation’ content left. And it’s great, as long as you like watching trees grow!

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Sea Supplement: Smiling Harbor Seals from Monterey Bay

Another bonus post from my vacations of yesteryear: some pictures of adorable basking harbor seals from Monterey Bay. I can’t believe I didn’t post these silly sea-dogs before. I have no excuses. Mea culpa. Mea maxima culpa.

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Bonus Birderday!

In addition to today’s normal caturday supplement, I was going through my old pictures and found a bunch of pictures I took down in Monterey back in 2013 that I’ve been meaning to post and didn’t, so I’m doing a … Continue reading

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