Monthly Archives: December 2019

Dog of the Eve: Baghira the German Shepherd Mix

Baggy (6, and probably half German shepherd, and maybe Lab?) is among the goofiest dogs I have seen in quite some time. He very much wants you to have a happy and safe New Year’s Eve.

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Dog of the Day: Atrius the Standard Poodle Puppy

I just ran into Atrius today, while on Christmas vacation in Indiana. He’s eleven weeks old and was a baby shower gift from the folks at a pet store to one of their dog groomers. Now, I’m not entirely sure … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Begley and His New Christmas Present

I’ve been a bad boy, not posting for four whole days! So in recompense, here’s Begley, one of Autumn’s family dogs, with his favorite Christmas present.

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Caturday Supplement: Another Macy’s Kitty

Pretty little kitty. I bet she got snapped up right away.

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Dog of the Day: Gaudi the Golden Retriever

Gaudi (meaning ‘joy’, age 7, boy) is a great name for a golden retriever.

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Dog of the Day: Winry the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Mix Puppy

I ran into Winry on the same day as I did yesterday’s puppy. Winry was a little less hyper, but no less sweet.  

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Dog of the Day: Casanova the Husky Puppy

Well, he sure has stolen my heart!

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Caturday Supplement: Gorgeous Tortie

A friend of Autumn’s!

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Double Dog Day: Logan and Jean Grey the Silken Windhounds

If you don’t know who this sister-and-brother (littermates, three years old) were named after, you’re going to have to look it up on your own. (Logan is the one in the first picture, Jean Grey the one with more white.) … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Labra-Doorman

This fine pup was guarding the door of the Starving Musician in Santa Cruz, making sure nobody took off with anything valuable.

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