Okay, stay with me, now, because this is confusing.
I have, in my notes for this pup, ‘LubyByTheBay on Instagram, f 15 wks’. And I thought, what an unusual name! Luby! And I went to that page on Instagram and there was nothing there. So I did some more searching and found ‘LeviByTheBay’, a golden retriever, and thought ohhhh! Hey, wait, didn’t I post a Levi a couple months ago? Hey, maybe this is the same dog! Except that I went to LeviByTheBay and he’s about a year too old to be either that Levi puppy or this one. SO CONFUSING!
But I did a little more poking around and discovered LucyByTheBay. And I don’t know if I misheard or just typoed, but in either case, I’m pretty sure this is Lucy, and if not, it’s certainly Almost Lucy.