I was having dinner with a friend (actually my housemate from when I was staying down in Monterey!) at North America’s oldest Italian restaurant, Fior di Italia. (You wouldn’t think the oldest Italian restaurant would be in a city that was founded 150 years after Boston was, would you? Seems weird!) Anyway, it is super yummy, I have been eating there on and off for over 20 years through two owners and two different locations and can recommend it wholeheartedly.
Anyway, we were sitting outside and watching all the cute dogs wander by. Fior gives them free dog biscuits! And then one of the managers showed up. He had, early this year, lost his good friend, a very young (don’t recall the exact age but under 5) Pembroke. Well, it took him a little while to get into emotional shape for a new pup, but he did, and the result was Brownie Bear, the 14-week-old ridiculous little goofball and chief happiness officer for Fior.
I’m afraid there will be no captions or hovertext because there are too many cute pictures. How will you live with only a bunch of adorable pictures of a fourteen week old corgi and none of my scintillating prose? Oh wait you already have three paragraphs of it, never mind.