Dog of the Day: Fiona the Great Pyrenees

I just met Fiona (5) yesterday. Apparently she is famous, not only having an Instagram page (titled, unsurprisingly, fiona_the_great_pyrenees) but having been interviewed by The Dodo, for her ability to make friends with the local gopher population.

I both adore and envy Fiona.

Great Pyrenees Lying On The Sidewalk
Looks a little damp… maybe she’d just gotten back from gopher-visiting in Chrissie Field.
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Dog of the Quite A While Actually: Arya, the Mini Husky Seizure Alert Service Dog Finally!

It has now been about three and a half weeks since I moved back into my apartment, and I have finally, just today, dug out my home laptop. (I took only my work laptop on my trip with me, and have been using nothing but it since October. It’s a lot newer than my five-year-old home laptop, but also has a lot less memory and WAAAAY less hard disk space.) And I set up my monitors, and my keyboard, and my mouse, and oohhh it feels nice to be sitting here in front of my huge desk with my ridiculously enormous monitors and all of my documents, including all of my photos from the last ten years of dog pictures and suchlike.

I’d been hesitant to set up the computer stuff because I know myself, and I know that I’m going to slow down unpacking considerably now that I have my computer to screw around on. But I decided to anyway, for two reasons. One, it got to the point where my monitors and computer and accessories were getting in the way of unpacking some of the other stuff, which was getting frustrating. And two, because of Arya.

I ran into Arya (now a 4-year old service dog with an adorable instagram page) and her mom a couple weeks ago, and got some pictures and mentioned the blog, and her mom said ‘Oh! I know about you! My husband was out with Arya in the park when she was a puppy, three and a half years ago, and you took some pictures, and I’ve been following your blog ever since, but you never posted the pictures! What gives?” And of course I couldn’t tell her, because all my pictures were on my home machine.

Well, now I’ve set up my home machine and gone trawling, and I can say that 1) Arya was always just as cute as she is now, and 2) I took almost 50 pictures of her in 2020, and she was looking at the camera in exactly two of them. Frustrating! But I’m going to post those two puppy pictures, and one other, and then a bunch of more recent pictures.

I’m not going to post any captions or hovertext, because there are too many awesome pictures and anyway I think they speak for themselves. The first two are from 2020, when she was 5 months old, and the rest are from a couple of weeks ago. You’ll probably be seeing more of her, too, because her mom and I discovered that somehow we live less than half a block from one another, but I had not seen Arya again in the last three years, and how does THAT work?

Anyway, for now, enjoy some pictures of this gorgeous gal!

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Random Adam Notes

Unpack unpack unpack unpack try to sleep work work work unpack try to sleep…

Yuck. Someday. Someday I will be unpacked. I mean there can’t ACTUALLY be an infinite amount of stuff to unpack and put away, right? RIGHT?

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Dog of the Day: Lexi the Boxer

Lexi is 8, and she may look a little sorrowful, but that’s just a boxer thing, I assure you.

White Boxer With Brown Ear
The one brown ear is really something.
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Puppy of the Day: Rocky the Australian Kelpie

I haven’t posted a kelpie puppy before. I think you’ll agree that Rocky, 2 months old and raring to go, was well worth the wait.

Man With Australian Kelpie Puppy In His Shoulder Bag
Rocky really should’ve been Rocket, the way his head kept disappearing and then shooting out of the bag again.
Man With Australian Kelpie Puppy In His Shoulder Bag
He didn’t always quite manage it gracefully, but he didn’t seem to mind.
Man With Australian Kelpie Puppy In His Shoulder Bag
I didn’t recognize the breed, having never seen a kelpie puppy before. I thought it was a shiba inu.
Kelpie Puppy In A Shoulder Bag Sticking Out His Tongue
I totally lucked into this picture. It doesn’t get much cuter.
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Dog of the JUST Missed His Birthday: Captain the Corgi (And Possibly Shiba Inu) Mix

I ran across Captain yesterday, and discovered that I had missed his birthday by two days: he turned two on Saturday. Please join me in wishing him an only-slightly-belated happy birthday! Tomorrow I will show you a picture or two of his little brother, who is utterly ridiculous.

I have gotten my queen bed together, finished putting up the second set of shelves (the third set are partly sitting in the storage area holding Autumn’s final load of stuff, and thus aren’t quite available for use yet), put together an Ikea closet organizer, unloaded several boxes, listened to several hours of an audiobook of Mark Twain’s ‘A Tramp Abroad’ (a bit uneven but by and large just as much fun as anything else he wrote), and I still seem to have just as much left to do as I did when I started this morning. UNPACKING SUCKS!

Also, the used dishwasher with which my landlord replaced the new dishwasher that I had before moving out, apparently so he could move the new one into another apartment (perhaps his daughter’s?), seems to have stopped working. To be fair, I’ve washed literally all of my dishes before I put them away (and only have one or possibly two loads to go), so it’s been a bit busy, but I don’t think that’s a good enough excuse, and if I can’t figure out what’s wrong with the damn thing tomorrow I’m going to gently hint that I’d like a working one, please and thank you. I swear, some people.

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Shiba Inu Mix Smiling
You can’t see the curly tail, but trust me, it’s very shiba-y. (Also, is it just me or is that a hilarious smile?)
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Dog of the Day: Rocket the Taiwanese Rescue Dog

I choose to believe that in Rocket’s (4-year-old) case, ‘rescue dog’ means that she roams the streets, making sure that everyone is all right and helping those in need.

I am around half unpacked. I have SO MANY GREAT DOGS TO POST, but I am holding off on setting up all my computer stuff because I know once I do my unpacking will slow drastically. So I am going to keep unpacking until I can see MOST of the floor of my apartment.

Assuming I maintain far more self-control than I usually do, anyway.

Small Black Dog Standing On A Green Bench
Rocket, aka ‘the dog with all the ears’, is among the more friendly Taiwanese street dogs I’ve ever met.
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Dog of the Day: Baci the Bernese Mountain Dog

My notes say Baci is eight. He looks eight MONTHS old!

I forgot that I spent almost two months packing my stuff, and figured it would only take a couple days to unpack. Yeah, uh, about that. I’ve now been at it for a week, only two of those days taken up by work, and I’m … not even close to done. Although I am putting stuff away in a much more organized way than it was before. We’ll see how long that lasts.

I do, at least, have a bed. It’s not my main bed, which I’m still missing a couple pieces of hardware for. Those pieces are weird enough that I think I’m going to have some serious issues replacing them, too. We’ll see. But at least I have my bunk bed put together. Now if only I had anything I could use to climb INTO the bunk bed. (Because the bottom bunk is actually a desk, and although the top bunk is comfy once you get into it, I am no longer twelve, twenty-four, or even forty-eight.)

Bernese Mountain Dog Snoot
It’s actually pretty amazing how much the popularity of Berners has climbed in the last twenty years or so.
Bernese Mountain Dog Looking To The Side
It’s not hard to see why, but still… hundred-plus-pound dogs are a commitment!
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Dog of the Day: Lana the German Shepherd

Lana is three, and very, very shy, poor thing.

German Shepherd Looking Frightened
I always feel sorry for the really frightened ones. It’s tough living in a city when you’re afraid of all the people!
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New Breed of the Day: Maia the Phu Quoc Ridgeback

I’m still not dead! Though unpacking my apartment is going veeeeerrrryyy slooooooowly. Still, that’s no excuse for depriving you folks of cute pups, and I ran across a new breed just yesterday: the Phu Quoc, or Vietnamese Ridgeback. I didn’t even know there were other kinds of ridgebacks besides the Rhodesian, but apparently there is one more (Korean) that I have yet to meet. Neat!

By the way, I highly recommend reading the Wikipedia entry on the Phu Quoc ridgeback because it has a really neat story down near the bottom.

Vietnamese Ridgeback Dog Sitting With One Paw Covered By A Yellow Bandage
Maia is 3, and apparently wore out her paw pad. My feet are giving me grief, so I can definitely relate.
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