I’m feeling a lot better today, thank goodness. So it’s time for a bigger post: Sidney, an Australian cattle dog that I ran into last week. Unfortunately, most of my pictures of him turned out badly. Fortunately, Andrew, Sidney’s dog-guardian (as opposed to a guard-dogian, which I guess would be Sidney) was happy to make up the difference. I have hidden Andrew’s pictures below the fold, both so that they don’t make the rest of the front-page pictures that I took look terrible in comparison, and to tempt more of you to look at the rest of the story, and maybe comment.
So yes. Six pretty amazing pictures after the jump, and one pretty mediocre one before. And thank you very much, Andrew, for permission to post the six.

This ACD seemed a wee bit OCD. During the short time I saw him, he literally never stopped staring straight at his ball.
The below pictures are © Andrew Makarich, used by kind permission.

How on earth did they get him to go up there and then stand still long enough to get this gorgeous shot?
Syd is a great looking dog and so is his owner. I may be a little prejudiced since Andy is my son
Well, I won’t make any judgements on the owner, but the dog is clearly something special. 🙂
Is Sidney a red heeler mix? I have a red heeler mix that looks identical to Sidney.
Actually, he’s a pure red heeler! Red heeler is just another name for the red-merle-coated Australian cattle dog.