Anyway, Autumn and I were hiking last weekend and saw a little knot of people staring at something in a bush. As we got closer, we discovered that it was an Anna’s hummingbird, maybe five feet away from the closest person, just sitting there. I didn’t get quite that close, but with a 20x zoom lens (camera’s still working if I bang on it just right) who needs to?
(Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to go to McKinley DogFest, which was yesterday, because my brother was in town and I had to clean the apartment. As it was, I spent seven hours on it, and it’s still not done… although at this point the mess is confined to bedrooms, at least. Sorry, McKinley! Maybe next year.)

The feathers are so amazing. He turns his head three degrees to the left, and they’re totally different.
I’m LOLing today Adam!
I know, they LOOK pretty, but behind that facade are one of the biggest brain-to-body-mass ratios of any warm-blooded animal… and some serious aggression issues!