Frannie’s a little goofy-looking, but she’s a real character. I especially love her expression in the third picture. I ran into her outside a cafe not far from my house — one with outdoor seating — where she was watching everyone’s food with rapt attention.
Four more pictures, after the break.

Not the greatest picture in the world, but it gives you an idea of how she's built. There's a continuum of mixed-breeds, from dogs that look like they should be a new breed to dogs that look like they were put together out of the spare parts of other dogs. Frannie leans towards the latter.
I have a sharpei retriever mix named Miya looks almost exactly like Frannie!
I live in Southern California and when I looked at Frannie’s pics I almost jumped!
Frannie is beautiful! I would love to post a pic of Miya for Frannie’s owner(s) to see, if possible!
Well, I’m afraid Frannie’s owners never dropped by the blog, as far as I know, so they haven’t even seen these pictures yet. However, if you have any pictures online, you’re more than welcome to leave a link to them in the comments, which would be a good way to ensure that they see the pics if they do drop by. (Plus, hey, I’d love to see them too!)
If you don’t know how to post pictures online, if you leave a response here, I’ll be happy to help you with that.
Well, I also have a dog that looks just like Frannie. My vet thought her face was swollen the first time she saw her. It’s the Sharpei in her I guess. She also has wonderful expression and is very smart. I would love to post a photo
of her so you could see the resemblance. We are all the way east in Georgia. How do you post a photo?
I’ve been meaning to do a set of instructions for how to post pictures for weeks now but things have just been so busy. I will try to post one soon, but in the mean time, if you check out Imgur there’s an upload button that’s pretty easy to use. If you have any trouble with it, though, just reply to this and let me know, and I’ll alert you when I’ve posted the guide.
Dropped by to see if there were any responses. Here’s Miya – shar pei retriever mix!
Aww! A very distinctive dog… those ears! And that is one amazing tail!
I dont see a picture…I also would like to post a pic of my sharpei mixes….
The link to the picture was in his username, but I just added it to ‘Miya’. You can click on either one to see her.
As for posting a picture of your own, you can upload it to any one of the image sharing sites and then post a link to it here. (I like just because it’s easy: just click the ‘New post’ link in the upper left hand corner and do what it tells you.)
I know this thread is old…but I had a golden retriever/sharpei mix that looked alot like Frannie….Her head anyway….His body was big like a golden though….I lost him a couple of months ago due to a rare stomach cancer that is mostly seen in shar-peis. He was the best dog EVER.
I’m so sorry for your loss, he sounds like a pretty amazing dog. What was his name?
I think Frannie looked a little skinnier than usual in those pictures, because I think she’d just been shaved for the summer. Not sure though.
I stumbled across Frannie, and was so surprised! I can’t find out how old this post is, but my girl MUST be related. Never knew her real breed until googling random mixes. But this assures me that she is Sharpei/Golden. Not sure if this photo link will work
Awww, she is adorable! This post is actually from late 2010, believe it or not. (Yes, the blog really is that old.)
We live in Orlando Florida , and out dog is a Golden-Pei (17 months old) and I woul like to share some pictures an experiences .
Great! Best way to do that is to upload some pictures to a sharing site like Twitter or (or make them publicly viewable on Facebook) and then put some links into a comment here. I’d love to see some pictures of your pup, I’ve only ever seen this mix once in the nearly thirteen years I’ve been running this site!
I am looking for a Golden Pei. I lost mine after 16 years. He was poisoned by Pro Heart 12. I was deceived by my vet. I am looking for another as he was much loved and a very special dog. If anyone has knowledge of availability, please contact me.
I wish you the best of luck, and if anyone comments here in reply I’ll be happy to forward you an email, but we don’t really get a lot of people here who have dogs to adopt. Your best bet would be watching petfinder like a hawk.