I first ran into these two playing together, and the vast majority of the pictures I took of them came out blurry. But I ran into Nala again today, and I went back through the pile of pictures and I found a few that were just fine.
The both of them are one year old, and equally playful. And they’re both Airbnb dogs, too, so they get to play with one another quite a bit.

Hotpot isn’t in too often, but I’ve seen him a few times.

He’s got the typical corgi attitude.

I have forty or fifty pictures of these two playing. This one is the non-blurry one.

Samoyeds are absolute past masters of the ‘dignified dog’ attitude.

So dignified, yet so poofly.

They also have a pretty good track record when it comes to looking happy.

Glum is also in their repertoire.

See what I mean?
Oh, that Samoyed smile (and look of disappointment)…and squeeeee on the Corgi!!
It is SO awesome to have the two of them working in my dog-friendly building. 🙂