Look at this: two Poms in a row, and now two pits in a row (though this one is only half-pit.) Well, there’s a reason for that: I’m posting Butter today because I just got these pictures, and Butter’s current family is looking for a new home for her. Please, if you know anyone who is looking for a dog, leave a comment (or have them leave a comment) and I’ll put you in touch with her current family. She seems like a real sweetheart, and I can’t think of too many better combinations than lab/pit. (IMO, of course.)

Butter is about three and a half years old... so yes, older than her little friend here. Clearly Butter is good with children, which doesn't surprise me at all: well treated pit bulls are great with kids, and Labs are great with anyone.

Butter next to a full-blooded pit bull. You can see the differences in muzzle/face shape, if you look closely.
I know that this article was published a few years ago but I just came across this and the pictures of Butter and was curious if she had puppies, because my dog Xander is also part lab/pit and looks EXACTLY like her. I pulled up Butter’s photo up to my Xander’s face just to find differences! I would love to know just out of curiosity because my boy is adopted and I don’t really know much about his past. It would just be rather interesting to know!
You never know. But by the time I got to this pup she was neutered.