Adam’s Dog of the Day: A Delighted Fluffy Corgi!

So, here’s how things are going to work: I’m going to post a picture or two of a particular dog every day.  I call these ‘random dog pics’, and they’re pretty much what the sign says: pictures of some dog I’ve encountered on my travels through San Francisco.  If I have more than a couple of pictures of a dog, or know its name, I’ll make it a Dog of the Day instead.  (More about these later.)

I promise to post at least one random dog pic every day, starting… well… sometime soon.  Hopefully starting now, but getting the software set up has taken rather longer than I expected, and so has doing some of the necessary photo editing.  So I won’t promise that there won’t be another few dogless days ahead of you before this thing is really up and running.

So, to start things off, here’s a picture of a ridiculously happy corgi.  Of course, anyone familiar with corgis knows that that phrase is redundant.

Welcome to the Dogs of San Francisco!  Didja bring any food?

Welcome to the Dogs of San Francisco! Didja bring any food?

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