My notes say Baci is eight. He looks eight MONTHS old!
I forgot that I spent almost two months packing my stuff, and figured it would only take a couple days to unpack. Yeah, uh, about that. I’ve now been at it for a week, only two of those days taken up by work, and I’m … not even close to done. Although I am putting stuff away in a much more organized way than it was before. We’ll see how long that lasts.
I do, at least, have a bed. It’s not my main bed, which I’m still missing a couple pieces of hardware for. Those pieces are weird enough that I think I’m going to have some serious issues replacing them, too. We’ll see. But at least I have my bunk bed put together. Now if only I had anything I could use to climb INTO the bunk bed. (Because the bottom bunk is actually a desk, and although the top bunk is comfy once you get into it, I am no longer twelve, twenty-four, or even forty-eight.)