Dog(gie Bag) of the Day: Clapton the Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Clapton is thirteen years old, and he’s doing great! His back legs aren’t working quite as well as they used to but he still gets around the park just fine. He does have trouble walking long distances, though, so dad got him some assistance of the best kind.

Also included is a bonus completely bewildering picture.

Red Pembroke Welsh Corgi With His Butt In A Bag
This is what happens when you pet Clapton and then stop.
Man With Pembroke Welsh Corgi In A Backpack
And this is what happens when dad picks him up in his backpack. INSTANT HAPPY.
Man With Strange Photographic Artifacts Near His Head
This is what the previous picture looked like before retouching. No, that’s not his hair. No, I have no idea what that is. I mean it’s probably not a halo? I don’t think? Anyone know?
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