Double Dog Day: Fritz the French Bulldog and Loulou the Cockapoo

The name Fritz always reminds me of the animated feature Wizards, which I realize is a pretty obscure reference, but what the heck. Anyway, this Fritz (2) is not a wizard, though he seems just as attentive as one. On the other hand, Loulou (a girl, 10) is more laid-back, but every bit as friendly.

French Bulldog Sitting At A Restaurant Table
He saved his barking for when I decided I had to leave. Funny that.
French Bulldog And Cockapoo Sitting At Restaurant Table
Loulou was definitely a little mellower.
Cockapoo Sitting On A Retaurant Chair
She wasn’t very forward, but she was definitely up for some petting.
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2 Responses to Double Dog Day: Fritz the French Bulldog and Loulou the Cockapoo

  1. Amanda says:

    Happy Holidays Autumn and Adam!

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