I can’t believe this is our first Bernese mountain dog. They are such amazing dogs. I guess I must just never have gotten lucky with my camera when there’s one around. (Yes, there are pictures that are so bad that even I won’t post them. Amazing, huh?) Well, I got enough of a view of this guy to post a couple of pictures. Lucky you!
Berneses are so pretty, and so gentle and kind… and so huge! They’re a lot like St. Bernards, only possibly even more devoted and happy. Autumn and I have never met one that wasn’t utterly delighted to meet us, and everyone else who walked by, in equal measure. It’s such a terrible shame that they have such short lifespans. If it weren’t for that, Autumn and I would probably be hunting for one even as we speak.
Three more pictures, including a special guest star, after the break!

Look at that happy face! Everyone was stopping to say hello, and each person just made him happier and happier!