Not really sure what breed mix this guy was. And I only saw him through a fence, unfortunately. But he was awfully cute. Maybe someone else can help me out here?

Look at those ears. I’d say he was some kind of German shepherd mix but he was so tiny. Not much bigger than a Chihuahua.
Isn’t this a Fennec Fox? Kind of difficult to tell, but the ears look the same. Unless, of course, the 1st of April enters into this somehow ;-]
Sheesh, I have alert readers… who are expert cute-ologiests. I was not expecting anyone to catch on quite that quickly. 🙂
Well, I’m addicted to Zooborns as well as your blog, and the Fennec Fox is their symbol.
Just seeing you mention my blog in the same sentence with Zooborns is thrilling. Zooborns may be the single cutest thing on the planet!
That actually is a fennec fox
Good catch! Figured I’d post a little bit of a change-up on April Fool’s Day. 🙂