Nutmeg is 6 months old, and I think she’s going to be stuck at the height of cuteness for years. Those EARS, oh my god so ridiculous.
This first picture just makes me smile.

Oh god so cute. I said I wanted to take some pictures and he scooped her up right away, because she tears around so fast that he figured there was no chance I’d get anything useful when she was on the ground.

He was more or less right, too. I took 120 rapid-shot pictures of the pup playing, and I deleted over 100 of them. That’s one fast pooch.

If you look close you can see the blue-green tattoos on the puppybelly.

That’s actually a pretty good rendition of Nutmeg’s natural state.

The Frenchie was having a grand old time, even if his expression looks a little dubious here.

The French Bulldog was mostly reduced to running around in Nutmeg’s wake, but he did catch up once or twice.
‘Dad’ looks very happy with his little fireball. They look like a very happy pair!!
They are going to go places, those two.
My dog looks just like theirs but she’s a Toy Fox York Mix and that whole thing about being fast on the ground my goodness she is fast too!!!! I wish I could post pictures.
Well, the way I usually suggest to people is to upload their pictures on and then post a link to them in a comment here. It really is pretty easy to figure out… there’s a blue ‘upload images’ button near the top of the screen right on the front page.