Tag Archives: Rabbit

Bunday Color Special: Matcha the Possibly Havana Rabbit

I met Matcha while I was out and about in North Beach a couple weeks ago. She is a friendly bun! I thought she was scared because she was huddled in the back of her little travel cage thingie but … Continue reading

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Bunday Color Supplement: Double Size Special!

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Alex the Great! Alex the Great is … pretty great. He is the only bunny member of the San Francisco Airport Wag Brigade, so he spends much of his time comforting unhappy passengers in the airport. … Continue reading

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DoSF Bunday Edition!

We haven’t had a Bunday supplement in quite some time. Thanks to my friend and former coworker, Brian, who is currently wandering the country between jobs, we get one! Thanks, Brian!

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Bunday Edition: Coco!

I was wandering around downtown San Francisco yesterday, walking by a little bunch of bushes next to a plaza, when suddenly I caught a glimpse of a … dog? Cat? Nope! It was a rabbit! Well, two rabbits, but I am … Continue reading

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Bunday Special Edition

Autumn sent me another picture of the evil Adam-attacking bunny. Seemed like an appropriate subject for today.

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Bunday Bewitchup: Ninjin the EVIL VICIOUS NINJA RABBIT

I helped out Autumn over the weekend, by dropping by one of her customers’ apartments to feed a cute little bunny rabbit. Who was instantly terrified of me, and tried quite hard to dig through my hand several times, and … Continue reading

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Sunday Disapproving Switchup: Bunneh

Disapproving Bunneh! Actually he’s not all that disapproving, is he? He just looks kind of tired to me. Perhaps that was because he was handled by dozens of people through the course of what was for him a very long … Continue reading

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Bunday Supplement

I was wandering through the Castro on Saturday, and I happened to stick my head into a Pet Food Express where they were having an adoption event. They had a whole bunch of adorable kitties available for adoption, so I … Continue reading

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Bunday Supplement: Disapproving Rabbit Strikes Again

Autumn and I went to a ‘dog fair’ block party last weekend (I know, I know, I totally forgot to post about it before hand, I’m a bad dog blogger!) and it turns out there were also kitties (which I … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Bunday Bunny Butts

No, no, not the dog kind of ‘bunny butt‘. These are real bunny butts! And today is Bunday-on-Caturday. Incidentally, sorry things have been a bit lazy the past week… I’ve been sick. Feeling a lot better now though.

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