I’m pretty sure Ruby has nothing to be sad about: she’s healthy, has a loving family who she’s been with for ages, and has the most ridiculously adorable ears in the history of ridiculously adorable ears.

Is that blue merle coloration? On a German shepherd? How strange… other than that, she totally looked like a 100% purebred GSD.

Aw man, it must be murder eating dinner with that face looking at you. “Are you SURE I can’t have some of your steak?”
My standard poodle also looks sad most of the time – it’s the droopy ears! She’s definitely not a dog that likes to “smile” or lick. Inside she’s happy though!
Heh, yeah, poodles seem to come in two varieties: ‘totally goofy’ or ‘totally sad-looking’.
I think some dogs learn early that the sad face works best for getting treats!
That would not surprise me in the least. 🙂