Tag Archives: German Shepherd

Dog of the Day: Rip the Black German Shepherd

Rip (3) is named after a character in Yellowstone, which is a show that I have not had the pleasure of watching. But if the main character was a dog this cute, I’d be on it like cute on pups.

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Dog of the Day: Axel the German Shepherd

Until I met Axel (11), I had never met a full German shepherd with a floppy ear. I wouldn’t say my life is complete, but it is definitely more complete than it was before!

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Dog of the Day: Twyla the German Shepherd Golden Retriever Great Pyrenees

Twyla (girl, 2) is an immigrant from Tijuana. She’s picked up the language right quick, though.

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ADOPTABLE Dog of the Day: Dr. Fred Shepherd the German Shepherd Mix

Dr. Shepherd (Doc to his friends) is 8 years old, and is quite a remarkably pleasant gentleman to be around. And he’s adoptable, from the Milo Foundation. There’s only one problem: he’s a people dog, not really a dog dog. … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Doom the German Anatolian Shepherd Mix

‘Doom the Shepherd’ could be mistaken for an instruction, or perhaps the name of a particularly pastoral punk band, but in this case Doom is his name. Doom is 11, and is a mix of German and Anatolian shepherd. I … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Sarah the German Shepherd Australian Cattle Dog Mix

Sarah! I know it’s hard to believe from this picture, but Sarah is old enough to apply for a learner’s permit in California! (For those of you from out of state, that makes her 15 years old!)

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Double Dog Day: Facci the Siberian Husky and Naia the Labrador Retriever German Shepherd Mix BIRTHDAY DOG!

Dammit. I took a picture of the black pup in this picture on Tuesday and it was her birthday and I forgot to post it! Well, happy belated ELEVENTH birthday, Naia! I would have pegged you at two or three, … Continue reading

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Puppy of the Day: Olive the Golden Retriever German Shepherd Mix

Olive! Four months old in these pictures, and cute as a bug in a whole pile of rugs! Olive is another pup from late last summer, because I just discovered that the photos I’ve taken since then are too big … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Lana the German Shepherd

Lana is three, and very, very shy, poor thing.

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Dog of the Day: Savvy the German Shepherd

It’s been an eventful few days. Had to move out of the place I was staying in Monterey at the end of the month, but I couldn’t take the time to drive down to my next destination until the weekend, … Continue reading

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