As a postscript to my little rant last night, I went to bed, finally fell asleep at midnight, woke up at 4 AM, picked up a water bottle that I had filled with lemonade to take a drink, fell back asleep, and spilled more than a pint of lemonade in my bed. And my underwear. And the floor. And what would have been my hair if I had any hair. Which, I guess, means that it’s a good thing I didn’t.
I cleaned up as best I could, and moved to the other bed. And woke up, oddly, feeling a lot more positive, an attitude helped by the fact that when I went to look, my reset computer was working perfectly again. I didn’t get a whole lot done today, but at least I feel like I have the option to!
What I am going to get done is to post a picture of Amelio, a 6 year old Pembroke that I ran into late last summer, just before I folded up this laptop and went off on my little adventure. I think his portrait came out pretty much perfect, don’t you?