Okay, first off, it looks like Dogs of San Francisco will be offline for a few days, probably starting Friday afternoon/evening. Please don’t panic. (If losing DoSF for a few days would make you panic, you may want to see a professional.) More likely, though, please, please don’t give up on me… we’re moving, and the server that DoSF lives on lives with me. My DSL is liable to be off for a few days at the new place. If it looks like it’s going to be any longer than that, I’ll truck the server over to a friend’s house and set it up there, but given the amount of time I’m dedicating to the move, working that in (or copying all the data over to another machine) would just be too much of a time investment right now.
If you’re wondering why I host this at my house… well, partly it’s a learning tool. It makes me figure out all this stuff, and that’s information that I can use in my day job, though moreso when I was in IT. Secondarily, I quite like having all of my stuff in one place: it makes backups simple, and it means that I keep control of all of my own information, and don’t have to agree to inconvenient licensing agreements for ‘free’ hosting sites that may or may not allow some company to use my blog content in their advertising (or whatever). If the day comes that Dogs of San Francisco (or any of my other web stuff) is too popular to be hosted over DSL, I’ll rent some space in a hosting facility, and maybe put some local advertising up to pay for it.
Okay, enough of all that: on to the dog of the day, Sparticus! Two more pictures of this cute little guy in his cute little sweater, after the break. (And no, I haven’t changed my tune about dogs in clothing… but you have to admit, that’s a pretty cute dog sweater.)

Ears back, but eyes looking directly at my face. (Camera was held near my face.) A well-adjusted dog... showing submission, but not fear.