All right, a little bit of personal business to get out of the way before we get to the dog. No, we haven’t moved yet. Yes, we were supposed to. Yes, something came up that may well prevent us from moving into the new place at all. Yes, we’re feeling pretty put-upon right now. Yes, I have had to cancel my vacation to deal with all this. And finally, YES THIS SUCKS.
Dogs of San Francisco thanks David King for providing temporary hosting space for its server, while we figure out what the heck happens next. Someday… somehow… Autumn and I will have a place to live that we intend to stay in for more than a month, and we will move it back. Argh argh argh.
And now, we return you to your regularly scheduled feature: Olio, the Norwich Terrier. Olio took to me right away, which was apparently somewhat unusual for him. Not that he’s hostile, or scared, or anything like that… he just has other things on his mind than people, usually. Well, fortunately for my state of mind, he stopped and gave me a few smooches and let me pet him, and then posed for some very cute pictures. (Two more of which are after the break.)

It took dad a few tries to get Olio to sit still for some pictures, and once he did, it sure didn't last long.
Yes that’s Olio alright. You have a higher chance scoring with Olio if you are a lady friend with a safeway shopping bag.
Lookin’ pretty good there, Cuz! Struttin’ your stuff!
We’re saying Good Bye to Olio this weekend. He has been the greatest little warrior sticking it out till almost 17. The guy has more airline and car miles than most people and now he will be leaving us to be on his forever roadtrip. We love you BuBuB! I’m sure you will make as many smile and laugh on your new journey as you did everyday of your precious life.
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that. He was a super-early member of the Dogs of San Francisco, back in 2010! I’m sorry I didn’t have a terribly good camera back then… if you have a few better pictures of him, I’d love to post a little tribute, if you’d like that. My email is alang@ this blog.
Either way, give him a few skritches under the chin for me and tell him he’s a really good boy for me, would you?