Public Service Announcement I keep forgetting, I should really say this more often: if I took pictures of your pup, and it’s been a while and I haven’t posted them, feel free to bug me about it in the comments. I literally have a backlog of 5000 dog pictures, of over 1000 dogs, just from the last two years. But if you’re reading this blog, you’re one of a rather rare breed, and I like making people happy by posting their pups. So tell me!
There are typically four reasons that I won’t have posted your pictures yet:
- None of them came out well, whether due to lighting conditions or due to my own idiosyncratic photographic style. This I can’t do much about.
- A LOT of them came out well, so many that I am paralyzed by indecision. This just requires a swift kick to get me started.
- I haven’t come up with a ‘voice’ for the hovertext. This also just takes a kick, because, well, I’m not writing Shakespeare, and mostly nobody reads the hovertext anyway.
- I just haven’t noticed them. Did I mention that there are a LOT of photos in my ‘to post’ folder? And this, too, can be dealt with with a single comment.
So three of the four possibilities just require a little prod. Feel free to apply it!
Now, with that said, here’s a pair of pups that popped up a full year ago, and I skipped over a couple times for reason 3. Remington and Winchester are NOW well over a year old, but when I took these pictures they were only three months old. They were, then, among the goofiest things (intermittently) on four legs. I suspect that things have not changed significantly in that regard.
The gentleman who was sharing in their journeys was a local artist. I thought about hiring him to design a tee shirt or two for me, but I already have lots of unused tee shirt designs. Maybe someday I’ll get a tee shirt printer and will be able to make all the different designs I want.

I find their names somewhat ironic… in that border collies are definitely not ‘gun dogs‘.