Another from last year. Brasco (male, 5) was hanging out outside of Java Beach, which is a little coffee shop/restaurant that’s about as far as you can get from my home and still be in San Francisco. Which is a shame because it is awesome, especially its pasties. Yum!
And Brasco obviously loves Java Beach just as much as Java Beach loves Brasco. I love places like that.

He is obviously well known at Java Beach.

She had just taken a picture of him and was seeing if it came out.

That’s a dog who knows exactly what he likes.

Can you see the husky, the German shepherd, and the Lab? They all show through surprisingly well.

One of the most dynamic and noble itches I have ever seen.

His dad treated me to a little demonstration. He made a little howling sound and Brasco went “oh god oh my god yes let’s howl YES I LOVE HOWLING OH MY GOD!’ (Or howls to that effect.)