Hah! Dogs of San Francisco, coming to you from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. We made it to our hotel, if barely. An interesting trip so far, that started with Autumn nearly missing our flight (she got there with almost 15 minutes before they closed the doors, so maybe ‘almost’ is an exaggeration) and ended up with us bringing the hotel night clerk a paper cup with a bedbug in it and asking politely if we could have a different room, that we didn’t have to share with quite so many other… beings.
But hey, at least it has WiFi, right?
Anyway, this is Jake. Jake is almost certainly in San Francisco right now, even if we aren’t. And Jake is a ridiculously awesome dog, being half from a breed that rescues mountain climbers from certain death, and half from a breed that rescues zillions of peoples’ sanity every day.
Three more awesome pictures, after the awesome break.

I know, I know. It looks like I photoshopped the head of a St. Bernard onto the body of a golden retriever. I promise, that's well beyond my ability.
Hey, I have dog that looks EXACTLY like jake and I was wondering if there was a chance he was sent to an Allen county uthinization shelter. Anyway he has a new name “BOOTS” he even has the same thre spots on his paw and he has all white paws with one with more white just like jake!!! How old is he? I’m sure that they’re the same dog!!! I love him!!!!!
great dog i have a saint/golden
he’s on dogbreedinfo
boomer and your dog look like from the same litter
Hey Robert r u from around Allen county warren county barren county
This dog is awesome….we adopted a puppy from our local animal shelter which they had him as a border collie mix…..always knew he def. was not collie but something much larger….he is the most handsome dog….definitely golden but werent sure what else until this pic came up….he looks just like this dog now that he is grown….so cute !
Aww! If you have any pictures online, please leave a link here! Jake is one of the dogs I really regret not seeing again and/or getting more pictures of him while I saw him… he was just the most awesome dog ever.
Jake is our dog. Just randomly found this website. Thanks for the website.
I’m glad you found it! I remember Jake, he is totally awesome. Do you live in or around San Francisco? I would LOVE to get some more pictures of Jake, if we could arrange something… he’s one of my most popular posts, and also one of my favorite dogs ever.
Our dog has gained about 15 pounds this month!!! We really think he is a cutie!!!
Was hoping your could give me your email and you could load a few pics up for me . Have tried to go to imgur can’t seem to get picture’s of my dog up. Could you help me?
This dog is awesome! he looks so sweet and good natured. We have a st. Bernard mix. We were wondering if he was Golden Retriever Mix as well. This picture has us thinking we are right. he is still just a baby . Would like to put a picture up and see what every one thinks . We named him Teddy Bear. What did your dog look like when a baby? Our dog they say is 31/2 weeks old. We got him from a shelter. How do we contact owner
I have no idea how to contact Jake’s owner, unfortunately, since I only ever saw him once. But I would LOVE to see pictures of your pup!
Usually the best way to post them here is to upload them to an image sharing site (I usually use Imgur) and then just paste the sharing URL that it tells you to use into a comment here. If you go to Imgur and look at the upper right hand corner it says ‘upload images’… clicking on the ‘Computer’ button will get you started.
If you have trouble doing that, you might want to wait a few days and check back at my blog: I am planning on posting a step-by-step guide to sharing your dog pictures online for people, since it’s such a common question.
Hey I never heard back from you. You told me I could send pics of Teddy Bear and you would post. I still need help and hope you will.
Probably the easiest way would be for you to just email them to me. You can email them at alang at the name of this blog (that is, @dogsofsf.com). If you could send them the largest size you have, that would be best. Don’t attach too many to any individual email, three maximum per email (because otherwise my mail software might decide the email is too big and reject it) but you can send more than one email if you like. Thanks!
Thanks so much! we really need to know, because they were saying he had Shar Pei, but there is no black or purple tongue. His hair is not short and stubby. His hair is red and feels like rabbit fur and his feet are webbed. He snores and wheezes when he sleeps , acts just like a St. Bernard. He looks a lot like the picture of Jake and he is a big drooler as well. He is sweet, cute, really big and his voice sounds like thunder. Now the Shelter thought he was a St. Bernard mix. Yes please tell me how step by step to load pics !!!