Dog of the (Birth)day: Sebastian the Fastly Greyhound

Say hello and happy sixth birthday (today) to Sebastian, the Fastly Greyhound! “Fastly?” I hear you ask. And of course I reply, “Very fastly!”

Well. Actually. Fastly is an internet service company whose headquarters is right around Hipmunk’s, and whose service Hipmunk (my employer) uses to keep its web site nice and quick. And Sebastian is their appropriately-fast mascot and inspiration. He’s a former racing greyhound, of course. Isn’t his racing gear awesome?

Sigh. Of course, people at Fastly, whose company is named after a velocity, get to have an adorable real-animal mascot to keep them company. People at Hipmunk, whose company is named after an adorable animal mascot, do not. That seems quite unfair to me.

Greying Ex-Racer Greyhound In Fastly-Branded Racing Gear

Is it just me, or does his racing getup kind of look a bit like a pair of Speedos?

Greyhound In Fastly Racing Gear Looking Pensive

Greyhounds always look so pensive to me. I’ve met a lot of sweet and happy ones but none with the stereotypical happy-dog grin.

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