Six pictures of Wheezy! Wheezy is the other half of the dog-and-cat comedy duo, along with Lucy from Friday. He is is a ultra-sweet kitty who really just wants a little love, a few belly rubs, a little petting, and a lot of playing with a big peacock feather.
(Okay, okay, it’s not Caturday any more. Busy weekend.)

He was a very easy-going cat. Took the attention when I gave it, and wandered off and curled up when I didn’t. (Despite the implications of my hovertext.)

Floofiest kittehbelleh in the west!

That rare cat who doesn’t bring the claws into it when you give him a belly rub.

Just lay there and purred.

Shortly after I was done cat-sitting him, he apparently completely demolished this feather.

He really likes me! (Of course, he likes everybody. But still.)
Don’t you love his goatee?