Tag Archives: Tuxedo Cat

Caturday Supplement: Mugwort

Mugwort sounds like the name of a witch’s familiar. He would just like you to know that he would be quite happy to become more familiar with you, especially if you have ‘good skritchin fingers’. Update: Autumn sent this picture … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Tuxedo Kitty

Saw this kitty in a window. There’s a sign that says ‘Follow and tag us!’ and I didn’t get the actual tag, darn it!

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Caturday Supplement: Macy’s Window Kittens

It’s so nice to be able to post some more Macy’s window kitties! I don’t know how I lived without them for two whole years.

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Caturday Supplement: Bandersnatch the Tuxedo Kitty

Bandersnatch is a friend of Autumn’s. Or at least was, until Autumn found Bandersnatch trying to steal her drugs.

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Meowry Catsmus Supplement (With Bonus Happy New Dog!)

I ran into an adorable pair of pals when I was out and about on Christmas Eve, and since one of them is a cat and Christmas falls on a Caturday this year, I just HAD to post some pictures … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Baker the Tuxedo Kitty Redux

Autumn’s little friends here just moved to Seattle, so she won’t be able to visit them quite as often any more. Terrible! And just as Baker was learning some … tricks!

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Caturday Supplement: Baker the Tuxedo and Bend The Black Kitty

Autumn had to look after these two for a bit, and in that time they managed to steal several of her things. Culminating in her glasses. Which she managed to find behind the fridge, along with several feathers, a half-dozen … Continue reading

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Caturday Supplement: Tuxedo Kitty

Another of Autumn’s fine furry friends.

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Caturday Supplement: Zencat

For some, every day is caturday.

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Caturday Supplement: Busy With Important Things

Sometimes I wish I were a cat. They never seem to have any trouble getting to sleep, and they certainly don’t seem to sweat the small details.

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