Featured Dog: Finnish Spitz

Let’s call him the Dog of the Year.  He’s pretty awesome dog, and one you don’t see every day: a Finnish Spitz.  I’ve run into this same dog a couple times in the same place, outside the Crossroads Cafe down in SOMA near the Embarcadero.

What dog plans or desires do you have for the new year?  Do you have any dog-related victories or regrets from last year?  Share them in the comments.  And look below the fold for two more pictures of this gorgeous pup.

Oh, hi there.  Can you tell I'm hungry?

Oh, hi there. Can you tell I'm hungry?

Whatever that is over there, it's more interesting than a camera

Whatever that is over there, it's more interesting than a camera

Well, don't just stand there... I haven't been petted in nearly 40 seconds!

Well, don't just stand there... I haven't been petted in nearly 40 seconds!

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2 Responses to Featured Dog: Finnish Spitz

  1. Anne says:

    Hey- This is the first time that I’ve been able to get to the pups on this URL!! (I usually get the LapTech site somehow) 2009 found Gg and I only with feline visitors, and with Waffles, our trusty (and quiet) stuffed dachshund joining our home. 2010 has, so far, had excitement as a friend’s Pomeranian spent the evening with us, running around and around in the house and snuzzling the rug.


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