Doggievent: Dog Film Festival

So, who wants to meet me at the Dog Film Festival San Francisco? Sunday, February 19th, Roxie Theatre. Just a few days before my birthday, too!

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8 Responses to Doggievent: Dog Film Festival

  1. Rose Marie says:

    Sounds like such fun!! Kind of a long ways from DC though ;-{!! Sigh!!!

  2. Sandy says:

    That looks fun, but not sure I can squeeze it in. It looks like tissues would be needed as some of those films will make me cry (happy tears).

    • Adam Lang says:

      I think I could use a few happy tears right now.

      • Sandy says:

        How are you doing today Adam?? I was on jury duty all of last week and am catching up now (sorry).

        • Adam Lang says:

          Oh, I’m all right. Nothing special happening with me, just the general craziness in the world. Friend/acquaintance of mine was stuck outside the US but I gather he’s likely to be able to get back in now. (Green card holder, born in Iran.)

          Things are strange.

  3. Sandy says:

    There is much craziness right now. I hope things settle down, but I’m not sure that is possible. Hope your friend has been treated well and is back here soon.

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