Pico is the last of the three foxy-terrierists that I ran across in the last week. He is two years old today, and boy is he excited! Also he has an instagram, Pico_the_wire. There is a painting of Pico on his instagram. It is awesome.

Pico is the last of the three foxy-terrierists that I ran across in the last week. He is two years old today, and boy is he excited! Also he has an instagram, Pico_the_wire. There is a painting of Pico on his instagram. It is awesome.
Thank you for featuring Pico on his birthday! 🙂 These pictures are great lolll it was such a pleasure meeting you and seeing all the pups around the city on the blog.
Make sure to give Pico some scratches for me! Also I think in the second picture he is hinting that a hot dog would fit very nicely in his mouth.