Sunday Switchup: Autumn’s New Friend

Autumn was back in the Bay Area for a couple of weeks, a little while ago. She was down around Santa Cruz and driving through the mountains, and pulled off for a little while, and this fellow came by to see what the fuss was about. He got so close that she could take these pictures from her car, with her iPhone. Lucky stiff!

Coyote Sitting In Dry Grass
I have never gotten a wildlife shot as good as any of these. Hmf!
Coyote Sitting In Long Grass
Honestly if I’d been there I probably would have tried tossing him a squeaky toy.
Coyote Sitting And Grinning In Long Grass
I wonder if you could make a dog breed that looks like a coyote?
Coyote Standing And Grinning In Dry Grass
Probably a bad idea. They’d probably be shot. Sigh.
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