Tag Archives: Santa Cruz Mountains

Sunday Switchup: Autumn’s New Friend

Autumn was back in the Bay Area for a couple of weeks, a little while ago. She was down around Santa Cruz and driving through the mountains, and pulled off for a little while, and this fellow came by to … Continue reading

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Swineday Switchup: Piglettes!

These two are cute enough to make a man give up pork… although, to be fair, I haven’t eaten much pork in years, so it’s not a big lift for me. I ran across them on a farm in the … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Sterling the Great Dane

Ran into Sterling on one of our hiking outings, last October. It was quite dark, so most of my pictures didn’t come out, but I got a couple of okay ones. Poor Sterling. He was a rescue, years ago. He’s … Continue reading

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