Dog of the Day: Dexter the Believe It Or Not Bernadoodle Puppy

Dexter is six months old! Dexter is also eight months old! How is this possible? Well, it just so happens that I took some pictures of Dexter last December, and somehow they got imported into my photos app on my computer but did not get imported into the ‘imports’ folder, and so I had no idea they even existed. (In fact, it just took me over fifteen minutes to find them even knowing to look for them so there’s that.) And then I ran into Dexter again and his mom told me that I hadn’t posted him, and that Dexter was very disappointed.

Dexter is also CLEARLY a Bernese mountain dog, who is also a bernadoodle genetically but he looks nothing like a bernadoodle at all. So hey, he can be two different ages at the same time if he wants to be.

Edit: OMG I saw Dexter today! Don’t see a lot of pups on their actual day. So awesome!

Bernadoodle Puppy That Looks Like A Bernese Mountain Dog
Here he is at six months.
Bernadoodle Tilting His Head
Patented puppy head tilt.
Bernadoodle Puppy
And here he is at eight months. Same cute, but the light is a heck of a lot crappier for photography. Glad I found the earlier ones!
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