Tag Archives: Poodle

Dog of the Day: Leroy the Not A Wolfhound, Really!

I saw Leroy (4) and asked his mom, ‘Okay, he’s half a wolfhound, but what’s the other half?’ And she said, ‘No he’s not!’ I just have to take her word that he’s a Great Dane poodle mix.

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Dog of the Day: Goldendoodle Puppy?

I seem to have not got any notes for this pup. It could be a cockapoo, it could be a goldendoodle, it could be something in between. I do know that it was a puppy, though!

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Dog of the Day: Bernadoodle Maybe?

Man, this guy’s a tough one! He sure does have his calisthenics down pat, though, doesn’t he?

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Dog of the Day: Mishka the Maybe Cocker Spaniel Poodle Mix Puppy

I don’t have any notes for Mishka, but his name is on his tags, and I think he might be a cockapoo.

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Puppy of the Day: Uma the Cockapoo

Uma is nine weeks old. I squealed so high that it was ultrasonic when I saw her. Her mom couldn’t hear it, but she could.

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Puppy of the Day: Keeli the Yorkie Poo

Keeli is half Yorkshire terrier, half poodle, and twelve whole weeks old.

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Dog of the Day: Kirby the Sheep-a-Doodle

I don’t know if Kirby (f, 2) is named after the vacuum, but I have to say that that would be a great name for a lot of dogs I’ve known.

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Triple Dog Christmasday!

It’s a three dog night here in Indiana. No, not cold: it was ten degrees warmer in Northern Indiana today than it was in San Francisco. Go figure. I just got to spend Christmas Day with three awesome dogs (and … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Georgie the Goldendoodle

I have been remiss in my posts. So sorry! It’s complicated being a vagrant migrant temporarily displaced person, and taking care of a giant ball of goof and love is a task too! But I will soldier on. Today, say … Continue reading

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Puppy of the Day: Jif the Bernadoodle

Jif is 4 months old and is not, in fact, pronounced ‘gif’. He does, however, like peanut butter an awful lot. Hey, honestly I’m right there with him.

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