The people walking Chance were happy to let me take some pictures, but they weren’t sure what he was any more than I was. He looks like he could be a Lab mix, but I’ve never seen a lab mix with Lab fur, but with ears that were 100% up. They said they thought he might be a dingo mix, and I have to say, he looks a surprising amount like a dingo. (Our only other dingo mix was mixed with Lab, so his ears were half-up.)
Anyway, he’s 4 years old and loves everyone, including babies.

Funny, the other dingo mix I took pictures of was standing on one of those yellow knobbly things too.

I have rarely run across a dog who looked as glad to see me as Chance, and yet did not leap up on me and try to lick any exposed portion of my anatomy.
I love this dog and the girl with him…she’s so hot!
Man that dog looks awesome! Badass….and he looks super happy!