Autumn and I are sick, with a nasty cold that infects the lungs and saps the will to do anything except lie in bed and moan. She’s got it worse than me so far, but there’s no telling what things will be like in a day or two.
So I had to find a nice happy dog for today. We’re not sure what this gal is, but our best guess is an Australian Shepherd mix. All I can tell you is that she’s pretty awesome. The first picture is of her soliciting attention. The next two, after the break, is what she looks like after she gets a good skritching.

If you're adorable and you know it raise your paw (raise your paw!)

And this is the post-petting expression. It is most humans' dream to wear that expression on a regular basis.

San Francisco dogs have it great. They get love from every third person to walk by.