Tag Archives: Australian Shepherd

Puppy of the Day: Goji the Australian Shepherd

Goji (5 months) is a silly boy!

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New Year’s Dog: Apollo the Australian Shepherd

Had to pick a dog I ran into today to be my New Year’s Dog, so here’s Apollo, one of the first SF pups I found since I got back from Indiana. He’s four, and quite large for an Aussie, … Continue reading

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Double Dog Day: Mary Poppins the Cardigan Pembroke Mix and Gatsby the Australian Shepherd

I love these two! What a perfect combination. Mary is 1, and a complete rambunctious rascal, and Gatsby is 13 and… another one!

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Triple Dog Day: Baby Sinatra the Chihuahua, Eevie the Australian Shepherd, and Blue the Pembroke Welsh Corgi Puppy

These three had enough personality for a whole dog pack. Blue in particular is about ten weeks old and pretty much ohmygodcute. Anyone want to write some hovertext for me? They’re very expressive.

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Dog of the Day: Rumi the Australian Shepherd Poodle Mix

Rumi (1) has an instagram! On which he is very cute! Too much cute today for captions or hovertext. But please note how much Rumi resembles a red panda.

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Dog of the Day: Yvee St Lafloof the Repeat Customer Aussie-Doodle

I have to admit that I didn’t recognize Yvee as a repeat customer when I ran into her. Her mom had to point it out. I feel like such a bad dog blogger! She’s 2 now but every bit as … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Raven the Australian Shepherd

Raven is only one, but she’s got a lot of poise.

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Dog of the Day: Maya the Fashion Model

Maya is an Australian shepherd chow ‘et cetera’ mix, according to my notes. She’s five years old, and she is a star: she is a model on the site ‘freepeople.com‘, modeling an adorable dog bandana.

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Dog of the Day: Yvee St. Lafloof the Aussie-Doodle

According to Yvee’s instagram — which you should totally check out, especially the puppy pictures — her name is pronounced ‘E-Vee’, and when I took these pictures she was about one year old.

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Dog of the Day: Moke the Australian Shepherd

Moke, also known on Instagram as Mr. Mokes, is the proud six-year-old owner of the most comprehensively ridiculous neck-ruff the world has ever known.

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