There is little cuter than a Sheltie, and there aren’t a lot of Shelties cuter than Meche.
(Hey, you’ll never guess what! I’m having a photo contest!)

Goofy pup. She seemed totally relaxed and happy: waggy tail, held high, panting, ears wandering back and forth animatedly, and straining at the leash so she could come over and say hi to me...

...but she just wouldn't stop barking! Barkity bark bark! And she was loud, too. (To be fair, she WAS on the 'em-bark-adero' at the time.)

Well, I didn't mind. How could you get annoyed at that face?

The many and varied expressions of Meche.

Hey, where did THAT one come from?

Look at that tail. Oh my god that is a ridiculous tail.

Yay. Meche can come visit me any day of the week.