I didn’t have much idea what this guy was, so I went to the expert. Autumn says he’s some kind of mastiff mix, but she’s not sure what it’s mixed with. Mastiff is good enough for him to get in my good graces, though.
Also, dogs with bandanas? An exception to the ‘clothes on dogs are bad’ rule. I don’t know why, but a bandana can make just about any dog just a tiny little bit more awesome.
Three more pictures after the break. (Oh, and in case you’re wondering about the hovertext: Baroodhism is our word for Buddhism for dogs, who have always seemed to us to have the buddha nature in many ways. As you can see below, though, they do seem to have a little difficulty with the whole ‘forsaking desires’ part of the package.)

I'd never seen a brindled dog that wasn't part pit bull, but Autumn says pit bulls' brindling came from mastiffs originally.

Look at those lips. I bet when he shakes himself dry, his lips occasionally collide directly above his muzzle.