Sorry… too tired for a post tonight. I’ll do one in the morning. All right, here’s your dog fix.
Autumn doesn’t really know what this guy is, except to say that he’s ‘some kind of terrier mix’. Well, we can work with that. Two more pictures after the break.

I love the fur. So scruffy that you can actually see the scruff in his shadow.

I also have a weakness for dogs with socks.

All questions of breed aside, this guy clearly is my kind of dog: he knows what he wants (belly skritches) and he knows who he wants it from (ANYONE).
The only thing that tops Nesta’s stellar good-looks is his incredibly charming personality. It is surprising that this is the first time he’s getting media attention because he’s frequently photographed by strangers who are enamored by his star qualities. I’m thinking, though, that Benji’s or Lassie’s agents may have overstated his age in effort to keep Nesta’s star from rising any further.