Tag Archives: Fisherman’s Wharf

Sunday Switchup: A Bumper Crop Of Seal Ions

I dropped by Pier 39 at the end of May to discover that the sea lion floats were overbooked. (If you’re not familiar, for some reason sea lions love to congregate on a set of floating dock thingies in the … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Prius Golden

No, Prius isn’t his (her?) name, it’s just what the pup was tooling around in.

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Dog of the Day: Sunny the Dachshund

A while back, I was poking through the San Francisco Patagonia Store, shopping for a nice packable jacket. San Francisco rarely requires a down jacket, especially for someone with broad temperature tolerances, but sometimes it gets cold, and it can … Continue reading

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Special Sunday BirthDogDay: Seek the Bernese Mountain Dog

I don’t know what it is with all these birthday dogs I keep running into. I was wandering around SF today and I ran into yet another. I think they said his name is Seek (I figure it’s a lot … Continue reading

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Sunday Switchup: Dragons and Snakes?

I wonder how long this has been around and I just never noticed it? Looks pretty new, so maybe not too long. It’s amazingly well done. Wonder if the artist lives there?

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Sunday Switchup: Rare Flower

I ran across this rather unusual flower while I was out wandering a couple of weeks ago. Pretty, don’t you think? Man. Brutal vaccine reaction, followed by eighteen hours of work over this weekend. I need a vacation. Instead, I … Continue reading

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Dog of the Day: Maybe Woods the Possibly Minpin Mix Probably Puppy

These were taken on the same day as the dog with the … amusing note from yesterday. So I’m not entirely sure, but I think this might be Woods, the six-month-old miniature pinscher mix.

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Dog of the Day: Maggie the Italian Mastiff Puppy

Okay, so I’m pushing the definition of puppy here, but Maggie is still only 10 months old. Quite a big ‘un, isn’t she?

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Dog of the Day: Sage the Vizsla and Friends

Sage (1, girl) and these two didn’t know each other at all, but she was totally up for being hugged by her new friends.

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Dog of the Day: Cookie the Great Dane

Cookie (short for Cookies And Cream Ice Cream!) is an eight-year-old Great Dane puppy. Why ‘puppy’? Well, apparently she had walked several miles when I ran across her, and was getting tired of walking… she wanted to run!

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