Funny, I don’t see any of the dogs falling off the surfboards, but the humans seem to be having a certain amount of… issues.
I just wish there were slightly fewer heads in the way for the last couple of pictures.
Funny, I don’t see any of the dogs falling off the surfboards, but the humans seem to be having a certain amount of… issues.
I just wish there were slightly fewer heads in the way for the last couple of pictures.
Surf dog or BABY SHARK? Only his dad knows for sure.
I love the casual pose in the last one. “Not a problem!”
Another surfer-dog and his (in this case) gal.
(The last picture is from their second run, which worked out quite a lot better.)
I spent Saturday at the WORLD DOG SURFING CHAMPIONSHIPS, which are just 20 miles, also known as a two hour drive and then a twenty minute walk, away from my apartment. It turns out that they were insanely popular and there was a five mile traffic jam on the Pacific Coast Highway to get there, and no parking within a mile of the beach. It started at 9:00 AM. I left at 9:15 AM. I got there at 11:30 AM. It was supposed to end at noon. (Fortunately it didn’t.)
Still totally worth it.
The last time I went, it was 2016, and there were about one tenth the number of people there. And I didn’t get ANY good pictures of surfing dogs, because at the time I didn’t have a good long lens. Well, since then, I acquired a 100-500mm Sigma Canon-mount lens, and then a Sony camera body and an adaptor for said lens. So now I can take pretty fair portraits from around half a football-field away.
It was damn tough to find a spot where there weren’t a half-dozen heads in the way, but I did manage to get, oh, a few pretty good shots. I’ll be posting them here over the next week or two.
I really need to find a page with all the contestants’ pictures so I can put names to the noses.
…and I haven’t done it yet, post a comment in here so I know you’re waiting! Sometimes I just need a little prod.
How did I not get to these two before? Taro and Yuzu were customers of Autumn’s. She called me up one day and said ‘You have GOT to come down here and meet these two,’ so I did. And she was right. They are just hilarious, bread loaves covered with fur, little black faces and little pink tongues, and no visible means of support. They periodically leap on one another and wrestle, and then go back to looking at everyone’s ankles and trying to guilt-trip them into giving them some love.
Again, too many pictures for captions or hovertext: just enjoy all the FLOOFY CUTENESS!
Polo was five months old in these pictures, and he is going to be L-O-R-G!
No hovertext or captions, just too many cute pictures. But you need to look at the fourth picture. Look at those lips. I mean what.
I mean, what’d Scotland ever do to San Francisco?